Project team has successfully completed the implementation of two key preparatory actions.
Under Action A.1 was collected information and developed expert analysis of the needs for priority forest habitats restoration within the Bulgarian Natura 2000 network and the potential for replication of project results on national level. The results of the analysis show that currently over 5500 ha of priority forest habitats within SCI Natura 2000 sites in Bulgaria are destroyed/damaged by nature disturbances and need restoration. Roughly 20 million seedlings will be necessary for the restoration of all these damaged areas which shows a huge replication potential for expected project results on national level.
Under Action A.3 was developed a Restoration & Conservation Program for all priority forest habitats/ Natura 2000 sites targeted under the project. The document foresees activities for habitat restoration and improvement of conservation status of over 130 ha of 7 priority forest habitats within 6 Natura 2000 sites. The Program is already approved by the Ministry of Environment and Water and its implementation is expected to start in the autumn of 2018.
The final documents from the implementation of both actions can be found for download and review at the resources/documents section of project website.