Проектът се изпълнява с обединените усилия на „Югозападно държавно предприятие” ДП /Координиращ бенефициент/ и Горска семеконтролна станция – София /Асоцииран бенефициент/.
“Southwestern State Forest Enterprise – Blagoevgrad”
manages all state-owned forest areas within 7 administrative areas of Bulgaria. Within its territorial scope fall 41 territorial sub-divisions including 36 state forestry units and state hunting units.
The overall forest area managed by Southwestern State Forest Enterprise is 950 787 ha out of which 676 540 ha (71 %) are state-owned forests. Over 50% of the state-owned forests fall within the scope of Bulgarian Natura 2000 network of protected sites and old growth forests represent 3,3 % of the forest area.
“Forest Seed Control Station – Sofia”
is a regional structure of the Executive Forestry Agency responsible for the identification, certification, preservation and use of genetic resources for the sustainable forest management and regeneration within its territorial scope.
For the effective project implementation, a project team is established involving experts with the necessary experience and capacity in sustainable forestry and other relevant fields. A project Steering Committee is also established to serve as the inter-institutional strategic oversight, coordination and advisory body for the project. The Steering Committee includes representatives of project beneficiaries and key stakeholders (i.e. state authorities and institutions) and is expected to monitor the project progress towards achievement of planned project outputs.