Bulgarian forests are important natural capital having key role for ensuring stable environment, prevention of soil erosion, ensuring stable climate and water supply, preservation of biological diversity, provision of timber and non-timber forest products for Bulgarian society.
The forests of Bulgaria harbor unique plant and animal species of conservation importance on EU level and a significant share of the forest areas are identified as important natural habitats which are protected by Bulgarian and European legislation. For this reason, over 60% of state-owned forests in Bulgaria fall within the boundaries of the national Natura 2000 network of protected sites.
Nowadays, climate change and the increased intensity of extreme climate events have an increasing negative impact on the health and conservation status of forests. During the last decade, the area of Bulgarian forests damaged or destroyed by nature disturbances such as forest fires, high winds, outbreaks of pests and deceases has raised drastically. In the light of these processes, the adequate restoration of damaged forest habitats after disturbances is of increasing importance.
To be able to cope with these challenges, the Southwestern State forest Enterprise puts constant efforts for the development of partnerships, mobilizing experts, scientists, the public and ensuring of the necessary capacity together with financial resources necessary for the implementation of nature conservation projects and initiatives. Our latest project Restoration and improvement of the conservation status of priority forest habitats within Bulgarian Natura 2000 network (LIFE16 NAT/BG/000817) is one of these initiatives.
We believe that the successful implementation of this project will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable management of Bulgarian forests.