The third work session of the Project Steering Committee was held on 28.11.2019 at the office of Southwestern State Forest Enterprise in Blagoevgrad.
During the work session, all participants were provided with detailed information regarding the implementation of project activities and achieved project results until now. An open discussion followed focusing on the encountered problems and difficulties, unforeseen project expenses and delays, as well as the forthcoming project activities to be completed within the following months.
All Committee members expressed overall satisfaction with the achieved results for the first 2 years of project implementation. Over 300 000 containerized seedlings were produced in 2019 at project nursery and 65 ha of priority forest habitats will be restored by year end within target Natura 2000 SCIs on SWSFE territory.
Detailed information regarding project progress can be found in respective Power Point presentation available at project website (in Bulgarian language).